Thursday, August 2, 2007


I feel called and compelled to share this with you. Today I went to the doctor for a follow up to my shoulder surgery. My arm hurt, the weather is too hot and our bills are piling up. It was not the greatest day. As we drive out to the hospital I try to remember how blessed we are that we can drive all the way out to Euclid, considering gas prices. That we have insurance that allowed for the surgery and all of the followup. That Greg has a good job that allows him to take me back and forth to the hospital. That my father is back in our lives and today he took Ariel to the golf course. The children are healthy and everyone is fed. I am trying not to let the pressures of the world keep me from my peace but today I struggle.

I get to the doctor and have my sling off because I am sure that's what he would want. Sure enough I am no longer allowed to wear the sling and have to start therapy today. Today! I thought I would get to wait a few more weeks. I am now forced to be accountable to my recuperative health and need to gradually start using my arm in every possible situation.

It hurts and I am afraid. My doctor is virtually arguing with me to relax and let him show me the exercises and finish my exam. He says, "I fixed your arm, it will bend and move, just let it." Well needless to say I did not want to hear that. My shoulder has been coming out for more than 20 years, that is more than half my life. He may have fixed my arm, but who is going to fix my thinking. My body has built up a defense system that says, "Wait, your arm can only go so far and so high, otherwise you will wind up in the hospital."

Then my doctor (who is now one of the wisest people I know) said to me,
"IT WILL HURT YOU, BUT IT WILL NOT HARM YOU." He paused, repeated himself and asked me if I understood. A light went on in my brain and my heart at the same time. The entire day and my perspective on my life changed in that moment.

Life gives us things we don't understand and don't ever want. It hurts us, confuses us, scares us and even cripples us. But by the Glory of God it does not harm us. We recover and eventually grow and possibly prosper.

Psalm 37:23-24
If the LORD delights in a man's way, he makes his steps firm; though he stumble, he will not fall, for the LORD upholds him with his hand.

Psalm 37 is a wonderful testimony and I pray that you take the opportunity to read it in its entirety. Know that while life will hurt; as long as we keep God's path, it will not harm us. They are but stumbles, some quite difficult but they are just stumbles.

Stand the Glory of God and re-gain your footing. It is the wicked one that causes us to fear and despair. Remember we are loved and protected by a mighty God. One whom cannot and will not be defeated. Remember whose team you are on. Don't let the evil one trick you into thinking you are not good enough, not holy enough. It is a stumble and it hurts. But God loved enough to give His only Son for us. He loves us enough to not let us fall.

Peace be with you and God Bless
In Jesus' name

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