Thursday, September 24, 2009
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Walk to Bethlehem - Details
The North Coast District's Wellness Ministry is conducting a 'Walk to Bethlehem' competition between churches. Miles are scaled up for smaller churches so that they're on an even playing field with larger churches). Anyone interested? Here are the ways you can earn miles to help you on your journey. Maximum Daily Miles Maximum Weekly Points Maximum Points for the entire Walk
*30 minutes of exercise = 1 mile Maximum per day= 2 miles
( 30 minutes at one time---or in two 15 minutes periods in the same day)
If you use a pedometer---use your actual mileage, no maximum
*30 minutes of prayer = 1 mile Maximum per day 2 miles
*30 minutes reading the Bible = 1 mile Maximum per day 2 miles
*5 fruits and vegetables in one day = 2 miles Maximum per day 2 miles
*Christmas church activity = 3 miles Maximum per week= 6 miles
Examples------Caroling, participating in a church Christmas program, taking dinner to a shut-in, volunteering at community meals, etc. Be creative!
*Inviting someone to worship = 3 miles Maximum per week= 6 miles
*Taking someone to worship = 3 miles Maximum per week = 3 miles
*Losing one pound a week = 1 mile
*Quitting smoking = 15 miles
(miles given after no cigarettes for 1 month) don't start so that you can quit!!!)
*Obtaining 2009/10 season flu shots = 15 miles
*If quit smoking AND get flu shots---add an additional 10 miles
*Losing 12 or more pounds over the length of the walk = additional 10 miles
*Volunteering at the Nehemiah Mission = 15 miles
*Attending Orchard Path church = 15 miles
Labels: Bethlehem, health, North Coast District
Saturday, September 19, 2009
September 20, 2009
- An up-to-date Youth Schedule is now online.
- The 2009 calendar is on the bulletin board outside the office. Please put all of your activities on the calendar.
- The flower calendar is also outside the office. If you'd like to contribute toward flowers for a special day, please sign up.
- The Movie Club has started again. See Beverly if you'd like to enjoy a movie, conversation and dinner.
-Bible Study is Monday evenings at 7 pm with Rev. Ralph Fotia, our resident Bible scholar. Join us in the church parlor and get immersed in the Word.
-Attention All Parents & Children: Bible stories and singing will be held for all children immediately following the worship service, led by our Director of Music, Amy Cook. Suggested ages are 4 years old through 6th grade. Get your snacks in the parlor and meet us back in the santuary.
-Youth Services are scheduled to begin Saturday, November 7th. There will be music, games, and righteous worship. If you are interested in assisting in any phase of this new endeavor, please call the church with your contact information or Stephanie at (216) 376-2084.
-Flu Shots will be given Friday, Oct. 23, 1:00 – 3:00 pm at the Maple Heights Senior Center. For more information see bulletin.
-Celebrations: Update your birthday, anniversary and any other notable date with the office. Don't forget to make sure your address is correct. Read the full article.
-Walk to Bethlehem competition - any takers? Follow on Facebook. Bill Cook volunteered to be the representative from our church who will tally the results each week. Let's keep him busy.
Labels: announcements
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
As a way to further our evangelism reach, we invite each family to add 3 additional persons. We want to spread the word of God. No junk mail, we will only send the card of your choice. Forms will be available soon.
We will be needing volunteers. A database will be created and maintained; dates acknowledged; cards signed and mailed. Our goal is to minister to people in their own homes, courtesy of the United States Post Office. Mailings will include birthday cards, graduation recognition, anniversaries, bereavement and other notable events. Holiday cards are not part of these efforts (not yet, at least). If you are interested in helping add a comment or call the church office at (216) 663-6868 or Stephanie Thompson at (216) 376-2084.
Labels: birthday, Evangelism
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Grandparent's Day
Today is Grandparents Day. In 1978 President Jimmy Carter made it an official National recognized day. Take time today to remember and recognize grandparents everywhere.

A Proclamation by the President of the United States of America
As we seek to strengthen the enduring values of the family, it is appropriate that we honor our grandparents.
Grandparents are our continuing tie to the near-past, to the events and beliefs and experience that so strongly affect our lives and the world around us. Whether they are our own or surrogate grandparents who fill some of the gaps in our mobile society, our senior generation also provides our society a link to our national heritage and traditions.
We all know grandparents whose values transcend passing fads and pressures and who possess the wisdom of distilled pain and joy. Because they are usually free to love and guide and befriend the young without having to take daily responsibility for them they can often reach out past pride and fear of failure and close the space between generations.
The Congress, by joint resolution ([H])Res. 244, has authorized and requested the President to designate the first Sunday of September following Labor Day of each year as National Grandparents Day.
NOW. THEREFORE I, JIMMY CARTER, President of the United States of America, do hereby designate Sunday, September 9, 1979 and the first Sunday following Labor Day in each succeeding year as "National Grandparents Day".
I urge officials of Government at this national, state and local levels and of voluntary organizations to plan appropriate activities that recognize the importance and the worth of the 17 million grandparents to our nation. I urge all Americans to take the time to honor their own grandparents or those in their community.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand this sixth day of September in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred seventy-nine, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and fourth. Jimmy Carter (signed)
Labels: grandparents, holiday
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Coffee? Who supposed to make it?
An old married couple are in the kitchen, arguing over who should make the coffee in the morning. The wife says, "You're up first every morning, so I think you should make the coffee.""That may be true, but you do all the cooking and making the coffee is a cooking-related thing, so I think you should do it," says the husband. The wife still wasn't buying it... "Well, that may be so... But it even says in the Bible that the man should make the coffee."The husband decides that's the most absurd thing he's heard, and decides to make a wager, which he's sure he'll win: "You know I'm a God-fearing man, and that I'm as familiar with scripture as any preacher. But if you can show me in the Bible where it says that the men should make the coffee, I swear I'll do it every morning for the rest of our lives."The woman leaves the room, confidently strides back into the kitchen carrying their Bible, and opens it to Hebrews.
Labels: christian humor, Joke of the Week