Thursday, November 8, 2007

Rev-Elations November 2007

So much in life is a matter of perspective. The old Law of Echoes says that what we send out in terms of expectations is exactly what we will get in return. So if I expect a meeting to be long and tedious, that is what it turns out to be. If I expect someone to be a drag-out, put-me-to–sleep bore that is what he/she turns out to be. Why? Because my expectations shape reality. On the up side, if I come to a meeting with the expectation of engaging, Spirit-driven decisions, guess what is more likely to happen?

Studies confirm the Law of Echoes. Two teachers in a school were given classes on the same grade level and history of performance. One teacher was told beforehand that she had a class of exceptionally bright and committed students. The other was told he had a class of lazy, under achievers. In fact, both classes were equal in potential. But guess what happened? The teacher whose perspective was shaped positively ended up with a class performing far beyond the other, where expectations were shaped negatively.

To a large extent, servanthood is a matter of perspective, too. What we bring to serving others, we will more likely see happen. It comes down to something as simple as these questions:

· The person I am serving – do I see them as Jesus Christ in disguise, as Jesus asking to be helped (Matthew 25:34-36), or as a bother?

· Do I see selflessly serving another as an opportunity to bring God pleasure or just another commitment I have made?

· Do I expect something in return for my service or do I approach it selflessly?

One great thing about defining oneself as a servant is how you begin to look for the next opportunity and the next. Life is not a series of self-gratifying events, but a high-expectation, longing for the next opportunity to carry a burden, share a cross, or walk alongside.

Thanksgiving month is a great month for this kind of serving perspective. Look for chances this week - at work, at school, out in the neighborhood - to serve. There is no better way to give thanks to God for blessings than to serve in His name. That is what I call Thanksliving. Watch how when you approach life with servant eyes, you live life with servant acts. It is a matter of perspective. It all goes back to the One who looked on us and did not write us off as unteachable, unworthy, or impossible but came “to serve and to give His life as ransom for many” (Mark 10:45).

Happy Thanksgiving and a blessed Thanksliving to all.

Rev. Julianne Gebbie

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

The Road to Success

Mary Ellen Coble has provided the following--

Someone sent this to me and I thought you all would like it.

Philippians 4:16 - I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

The road to success is not straight. There is a curve called Failure, a loop called Confusion, speed bumps called Friends, red lights called Enemies, and caution lights called Family. You will have flats called Jobs. But, if you have a spare called Determination, an engine called Perseverance, insurance called Faith, and a driver called Jesus, you will make it to a place called Success.

Friday, October 26, 2007

Is Something On Fire?

Yes, I watched the Indians end their season in the American League Championship Series. As frustrating as that was, I can still remember the days in Cleveland Municipal Stadium when there were so few people there that it was almost embarrassing to yell anything because the players could actually hear your voice.

I’m also old enough to remember (and I imagine a few others in our congregation are also) the days when both the Cuyahoga River and former Cleveland mayor Ralph Perk’s hair caught on fire, and later when the city of Cleveland actually went into default. Unfortunately, much of the rest of the country is still associating these events with Cleveland, and they’re just beginning to wake up to the fact that we’ve come a long way.

Now take a look at our church. We’ve been through a few rough times also, and there are others who still look at us in those terms. Through it all though, we’ve remained faithful. I hope that our members realize what an amazing time it is to be a part of this church—the Lord’s church.

Think just for a moment about the many ways we’re blessed. I’ll name just a few:

  • First of all, I don’t know if you realize this, but it’s the first time since I’ve been a member that we actually are in position to pay all of our apportionments. That is truly remarkable to go from nearly 0% a few years ago to 100%. That’s stewardship.
  • Think about the mission and service that the UMW provides year after year.
  • Have you noticed the appearance of the sanctuary and building, thanks to Jim, the trustees, and other volunteers?
  • We’ve got new programs underway, with two adult bible studies – one continuing on Monday nights and one on Tuesday morning.
  • Children’s sermons are back!
  • The Membership and Evangelism Team has been resurrected, and we’re looking for others to help-- maybe you? Do you have ideas that you’d like to share?
  • We’re looking for ways to have more of a presence in the neighborhood and community, and we’ll be investigating ways to secure some grants.
  • We even have a presence now on the Internet, with the church’s website and this blog. Would you would like share some inspirational words on the blog? You don’t need to know anything about computers-- just write something down, get it to me and I’ll do it for you.
  • We’re certainly blessed by our more-than-fulltime pastor who is working for a half-time salary. We need to always realize and respect this, make sure not to burn her out-- and just take some time to thank her.

Folks, the river’s not on fire here anymore, but the Holy Spirit is on fire!

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Laity - by Leonard T

The dictionary defines 'laity' as people who do not belong to the clergy. Lay people make up the community (the non-exclusive, all inclusive body) that makes up the church (the followers of Christ Jesus).

It has been my observation that many lay people feel that they are insignificant because they lack talents, gifts and abilities when they compare themselves to other individuals. Be careful when you compare yourself to someone else, because you may find yourself unworthy. Instead, remember that God made you who you are.

Every little bit counts. To God, you are important. Remember that one of the gifts that we are given is the ability to be a helper. We as individual lay people can help to enhance the tasks that others perform to the glory of God, so don't think that because you are not 'certified' that you have nothing to offer.

As laity, we all have our own specific gifts, and God will help us to use them, because God loves all of those that he created.

Leonard T

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Rev-Elations October 2007

It is an amazing thing—the money and the church. I hardly ever talk about money, yet you will hear people say, “All the church ever talks about is money!” You can mention it once in a while, and some think they are hearing it every Sunday.

I checked it out. When Jesus was training His first disciples He talked a whole lot more about money than I do. George Buttrick, in his book, The Parables of Jesus, reminds us that of Jesus’ 43 parables recorded in the Gospels, 27 of them (that is 62%) refer to money and possessions. Buttrick continues: “One out of every ten verses in the Gospels deals with money and, while the Bible includes 500 verses on prayer and fewer than 500 verses on faith, more than 2,000 verses address money and what it buys.”

Now why would that be? Why would Jesus spend so much time talking about money and what it buys? Here is my answer. Jesus knew that one thing we’d hold onto and refuse to let go, the one thing we just have to call “mine,” is money. To take hold of life means taking hold of a whole new way of looking at life. When you grab hold of the new life Jesus has in store for you, you let go of everything else. You can not grab hold of His hand if your hands are still clinging to “your” money! Jesus put it this way, “You can not serve both God and Money” (Luke 16:13).

There is more. Once you take hold of the new life Jesus gives you, you still have money, at least I hope so. Some of us have more of it than others. It has always been that way. Only now the money you have is the Lord’s, not your. Now it is not yours to spend at will; it is yours to manage in a way that truly brings God honor. How you spend it—the mortgage, clothes, food, the car(s), the vacation—it all ends up an act of worship, honoring God and bringing Him glory.

What’s more, God expects to be honored first with our money. After all, it is His, and His cause needs to be preeminent in our priorities. The Bible calls this “first fruits” giving, honoring God off the top with a percentage of our income designated ahead of time as a pledge toward His work of making disciples. (See Malachi 3:10; I Corinthians 16:2).

At Maple Heights United Methodist Church, we excel in so many aspects of discipleship-serving, Bible study, caring, outreach, worship and more! When it comes to giving, though, we are, well, average. The national average for giving by members of American churches is 2 ½ % of their household income. That is about our average, too. We have a way to go toward the Biblical goal of a tithe, 10 %.

One of my favorite seasons is autumn. The beauty of tress dressed in their fall colors is awesome. I look out in awe and think; oh, how good and generous is our God. May God help us to give more generously than ever. The motivation? That is easy. We remember the One who became poor that we might be rich (2Corinthians 8-9).

Happy Giving. Rev. Julianne Gebbie, Pastor

Thursday, August 2, 2007


I feel called and compelled to share this with you. Today I went to the doctor for a follow up to my shoulder surgery. My arm hurt, the weather is too hot and our bills are piling up. It was not the greatest day. As we drive out to the hospital I try to remember how blessed we are that we can drive all the way out to Euclid, considering gas prices. That we have insurance that allowed for the surgery and all of the followup. That Greg has a good job that allows him to take me back and forth to the hospital. That my father is back in our lives and today he took Ariel to the golf course. The children are healthy and everyone is fed. I am trying not to let the pressures of the world keep me from my peace but today I struggle.

I get to the doctor and have my sling off because I am sure that's what he would want. Sure enough I am no longer allowed to wear the sling and have to start therapy today. Today! I thought I would get to wait a few more weeks. I am now forced to be accountable to my recuperative health and need to gradually start using my arm in every possible situation.

It hurts and I am afraid. My doctor is virtually arguing with me to relax and let him show me the exercises and finish my exam. He says, "I fixed your arm, it will bend and move, just let it." Well needless to say I did not want to hear that. My shoulder has been coming out for more than 20 years, that is more than half my life. He may have fixed my arm, but who is going to fix my thinking. My body has built up a defense system that says, "Wait, your arm can only go so far and so high, otherwise you will wind up in the hospital."

Then my doctor (who is now one of the wisest people I know) said to me,
"IT WILL HURT YOU, BUT IT WILL NOT HARM YOU." He paused, repeated himself and asked me if I understood. A light went on in my brain and my heart at the same time. The entire day and my perspective on my life changed in that moment.

Life gives us things we don't understand and don't ever want. It hurts us, confuses us, scares us and even cripples us. But by the Glory of God it does not harm us. We recover and eventually grow and possibly prosper.

Psalm 37:23-24
If the LORD delights in a man's way, he makes his steps firm; though he stumble, he will not fall, for the LORD upholds him with his hand.

Psalm 37 is a wonderful testimony and I pray that you take the opportunity to read it in its entirety. Know that while life will hurt; as long as we keep God's path, it will not harm us. They are but stumbles, some quite difficult but they are just stumbles.

Stand the Glory of God and re-gain your footing. It is the wicked one that causes us to fear and despair. Remember we are loved and protected by a mighty God. One whom cannot and will not be defeated. Remember whose team you are on. Don't let the evil one trick you into thinking you are not good enough, not holy enough. It is a stumble and it hurts. But God loved enough to give His only Son for us. He loves us enough to not let us fall.

Peace be with you and God Bless
In Jesus' name

Sunday, July 29, 2007

A Spiritual Walk

Recently, Matt led a group of youth (and older youth!) on a Spiritual Walk in the Bedford Metroparks.

By combining scripture, prayer and times for reflection along the way, we were able to learn how God has revealed Himself to His people. As we walked along the trail, we were reminded of our own spiritual walk - and of how God is always revealing Himself to us.

As you'll see from the pictures, we had an opportunity to learn - but we weren't totally serious the whole time!

Thanks, Matt!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

New Web Site

Due to a problem with the old web site domain name being transferred, we now have a new domain name. This was done at no cost to the church, and we will now be able to issue email address to the staff, should you have something private you need to discuss with them. This new site should be up and running within the week, and will have a totally new look with more information available. The only change will be the last part of the name. The old name was “, and the new name will be “” which is the more common ending used and known by those who browse the internet. If you have any ideas of subject matter which should be displayed on the site please notify the office.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Welcome to the MHUMC Blog!

For more than 60 years, we've been proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ. Join us on our spiritual journey!

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