by Rev Ralph Fotia
'Twas the night before Thanksgiving
When all through the town,
Very few turkeys were running around.
The pumpkins had already been made into pies
While cranberry and chestnuts entice hungry eyes.
When all of a sudden, there occurred such a clatter--
Mother had placed the stuffed bird on a platter.
And what to our hungry eyes did we see?
Mashed potatoes and gravy, and piles of green peas.
To the top of the stairs to the foot of the bed,
We said our night prayers for what was ahead.
Now I lay me down to sleep.
I hope all that good food will keep.
And then on Thanksgiving Day we will raise
Our forks and our voices in words of praise,
And we will remember Thanksgiving of days gone by
With a family of loved ones
And Mom's pumpkin pie.
But before all that feasting and all of that fun,
We give thanks to the Almighty for what He has done.
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